Soal Ujian Bahsa Inggris Untuk SMA

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The Goose that Laid Golden Eggs
One upon time, there lived a happy family in village. A man and his wife lived happily on a little farm, tending their flock of geese and selling their eggs at market. They were not rich, but they were happy with their life together.
Then one day, q new goose flew in among their flock. The couple was surprised to find a shiny golden egg  in her nest. Each and every day after that, the goose laid another egg of solid gold. The couple was soon richer than they had ever dreamed of, but they were not happy. The grew impatient with only one golden egg a day. The farmer said to his wife, “our goose must be full of gold. Why should we wait to have more eggs?”
So, they killed the goose! They were very surprised to find that it was just like any other goose inside. Even worse, there would never be any more golden eggs!

1.  The family ear their life by……………
a.    Living on a little                                                        c. selling geese meat
b.    Selling geese eggs                                                  d. eating the geese meat
2.  There were surprised because……………..
a.    They got shiny golden egg                                     c. they would be rice
b.    They would have many golden eggs                   d. their imagination would be come true
3.  The couple relieved their impatience by………….
a.    Killing the goose                                                                  c. selling the egg at the market
b.    Tending their flock of goose                                              d. eating the goose
4.  She perform the dance………………
a.    So as                                                              c. so that
b.    That                                                                d. in order so
5.  Both Marry and Elend………….jane are studying nursing at New York Univesity.
a.    As well as                                                                  c. as well to
b.    Well                                                                            d. and well as
6.  We had a disagreement……………..the bus was late
a.    Because of                                                                c. because
b.    Cause of                                                                    d. caused
7.  The woman act………she was a crazy woman.
a.    As                                                                                c. unless
b.    As if                                                                            d. because
8.  A : “……. Did she go this morning?”
B : “she went to the mail.”
a.      Why                                                                c. where
b.      What                                                               d. whose
9.  A : “……. Did she go the test?”
B : “well, she did the test easily.”
a.  Wow                                                                  c. will
b.  What                                                                 d. would
10.  I say, “I like ice cream very much”
a.  I say that he liked ice cream very much               c. I say that I likes ice cream very much
b.  I say that I like ice cream very much                     d. I say that me liked ice cream very much
11.  She said, she is your teacher
a.    She said that she was my teacher                       c. she teacher
b.    She said that she is your teacher                                    d. she said that I was my teacher
12.  They said, she is helping me”
a.    They said that she was helping me”                   c. They said that he is helping me”
b.    They said, she is helping me”                              d. They said, she is helping me”
13.  They said that you called them
a.    They said, you call me                                           c. they said, them call
b.    They said, I cal you                                                 d. they cal me
14.  The girl said that he has been seeing friend
a.    The girl said, you are seeing friend                     c. the girl said, you are seeing friend
b.    The girl said, I am seeing friend                           d. the girl are two girls
15.  Ardi said that he has been coming his home
a.    Ardi said, I am coming her home                         c. Ardi said, I am coming your home
b.    Ardi said, I am coming he home                           d. Ardi said, I am coming my home
16.  He said that you wrote paper
a.    He said, Sri writes paper                                        c. He said, they write paper
b.    He said, you write paper                                        d. He said, I write paper
17.  Rojifah said, “you are my friend.”
Rojifah said that your ……… friend
a.    My                                                                              c. his
b.    Her                                                                             d. him
18.  Zeda said, “I drive Pompong whit you”
Zeda said that ……..drived Pompong whit me
a.    I                                                                                  c. you
b.    He                                                                              d. she
19.  Saiful said to Lestary, “I need you so much.”
a.    Saiful said to Lestary that Lestary needed Saiful so much
b.    Saiful said to Lestary that I needed you so much
c.    Saiful said to Lestary that he needed she so much
d.    Saiful said to Lestary that she needed he so much
20.  Aini said to Tejo, “they take my Sandal.”
a.    Aini said to Tejo that they taken her Sandal
b.    Aini said to Tejo that you taken my Sandal
c.    Aini said to Tejo that they taken you Sandal
d.    Aini said to Tejo that they taken his Sandal

1.    Lutfi said, where do you come from?
2.    Tar said to Haqi, what are you doing?
3.    He said to Nurul, do you love my friend?
4.    She said that you are my sweat girl
5.    Who is your favorite english song?, please write the title!

Nb: you can open dictionary

Good luck my beloved student!

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