Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Alamat : Jl. Parit 10, Manunggal Makmur, Kuala Jambi, Tanjung Jabung Timur, Jambi.
Lesson                         : English                                              Day/ Date        :                   Mei 2018
Class                            : XI  Senior High School                    Time                : 90 Menit

1.   Heru : “Hi, Rian. I watched your performance last night. You are great. You can be a great actor.
Rian :  “it was not me. It is my twin brother, Roni…….”
a.    Oh bother                                                            d. oh no, what is next?
b.   What a nuisance                                                  e. it is extremely irritating.
c.    It is embarrassing

Text for number 2 to 6
I think the Centerbury Council should contruct more Activity Centres in most local areas.
Firstly, children can keep busy as well as have fun during the holidays.  Secondly, they learn a lot about how to do certain things. Finally, it might stop children vandalizing properties that do not belong to them because they can go to the Activity Centres.
During the school holidays, many children who don’t have much on their minds can attend their local Activity Centre. It will keep them busy and they can also learn to do lots of things.
Another reason is children can encourage others to attend the local Activity Centre. By attending this local Activity Centre, children will not get so bored because they can have lots of fun.
Moreover, it could stop children from vandalizing other’s properties because they have better things to do like going to the Activity centre and having fun and enjoying themselves.
These are the main reasons why I think we should have more activity Centres. They will be very educational and very good experience for of children.

2.   The suitable title for the above is…………..
a.       Vandalizing                                                       d. Centerbury Council
b.      Activity Centres                                                e. school holiday
c.       Educational experience
3.   There are ……….. arguments stated in the text above.
a.       Six                                                     c. five                                     e. four
b.      Two                                                   d. three
4.   “I think Centerbury Council should construct more Activity Centtres…..”
The bold typed word in the sentence above is used to show a/an……..
a.       Offering                                            c. ability                                  e. suggestion
b.      Agreement                                        d. conclusion
5.   The steps / stagings of the text above are…..
a.       Orientation – event – event                               d. Orientation – event – twist
b.      Orientation – complication – resolution            e. general classification description
c.       Thesis – arguments – recommendation
6.   The type of the text above is……
a.       Spoof                                                c. recount                                e. analytical exposition
b.      Narrative                                           d. hortatory exposition

Text for number 7 to 10
       Forest are very important to keep the soil fertile and to prevent flood. The fallen leaves and decayed plants become humus which makes the soil rich and holds the rainwater.
       For many years, people have not been obeying the government’s regulations. They have been cutting down the trees carelessly. As a result, thousands of hectares of land have become worse and the rivers will be full of mud. In the wet season there will be erosion and floods which will destroy the farm lands and villages.

7.   What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
     a.   rivers are full of mud                                         d.  erosions have caused floods
     b.   land becomes infertile                                       e.  floods destroy villages
     c.   deforestation has caused a lot of destruction
8.   The following statement are the advantages of forests mentioned in the text, EXCEPT ….
     a.   they keep the soil fertile                                    d.  they hold rainwater
     b.   they prevent  flood                                            e.  they produce fresh air
     c.   they produce humus
9.   Humus is made from ….
     a.   fertile soil                                                           d.  a kind of artificial fertilizer
     b.   rown leaves                                                        e.  decayed plants and leaves
     c.   the root of tree
10.    The soil fertile and to prevent flood. The underlined word is synonymous to ….
     a.   cause                                                                  d.  change
     b.   move                                                                  e.  produce
     c.   hinder

Read the letter and answer questions 11 to 16.

Folded Corner: From    : Mom
To     : All
Dear folks,Mum‘ll be home at seven because I have to chair the staff meeting. Please don’t forget to do all your chores. Water the garden, feed the pets, and make your own beds after the naps.Please remind Daddy to prepare dinner for us as he promised to fix us grilled snapper and chicken soup. He’ll be home early at two today.Thanks a million and see you all soon.

Much love,MumMum

11.    The text is about … to her children.
A.    a mom’s love expression                                D. a mother’s message
B.     folks’ instruction/order                                  E. a sister order
C.     father’s information

12.    What does the second paragraph tell you about?
A.    Children’s task to remind their father’s promise.
B.     Father’s job to cook for dinner for his family at home.
C.     Mother’s chores to do at home for her  family
D.    The time when father returns from the office.

13.    The writer writes the memo because she …
A.    needs her children’s help                               D. has to go with her husband
B.     cannot cook for her family                            E. The time when father returns
C.     will come home late

14.    The text shows that the writer’s husband can….
A.    cook well                                           C. chair a meeting                   E. School boy’s
B.     Work fast                                           D. Water the garden

15.    Please don’t forget to do all your chores.
 What does the underlined word mean?
A.    Special cares.                                     C. School assignments.           E. Worker
B.     Routine tasks.                                    D. Job descriptions.

16.    “To : All …”
What does the word “All” in the text refer to?
A.    The mother and father.                                  D. All members of family.
B.     The husband and wife.                                  E. all human
C.     The writer’s children.

17.    I say to you, “you love me”
a.       I said to you that you love me                        d. I said to you that I love you
b.      I said to you that I love me                            e. I said to you that you loved me
c.       I said to you that I loved you

18.    She say to me, “they call you”
a.       She said to me that they called you               d. She said to me that they call you
b.      She said to me that they called me                                               e. She said to me that they call me
c.       She said to me that I called you

19.    You say to her, “I invite you”
a.       You said to her that you invited her              d. You said to her that I invited her
b.      You said to her that he invited her                                               e. You said to her that he invited you
c.       You said to her that you invite her

20. They say to us, “my sister study English”
a.       They say to us that my sister studied English
b.      They say to us that your sister studied English
c.       They say to us that their sister studied English
d.      They say to us that our sister studied English
e.       They say to us that you sister studied English

21. She says to them, “you speak English”
a.       She said to them that she spoke English
b.      She said to them that they spoke English
c.       She said to them that you spoke English
d.      She said to them that she speak English
e.       She said to them that they speak English

22. I speak English. (Chang to Past Perfect Tense)
a.       I was speaking English                                   d. I am speaking English
b.      I had spoken English                                      e. I have spoken English
c.       I speak English

23. Her friend comes to your house. (Chang to Past Perfect Tense)
a.       Her friend had came to your house                d. Her friend had come to your house
b.      Her friend comes to your house                     e. Her friend came to your house
c.       Her friend come to your house

24. Do you bring pen?... (Chang to Past Perfect Tense)
a.       Had you bring pen?                                        D. Have you bring pen?
b.      Had you brought pen?                                    E. do you bring pen?
c.       Do you brought pen?

25. Which one is the example of Past Perfect Tense?.......
a.       I had see my close friend                               d. I had saw my close friend
b.      I have see my close friend                              e. I see my close friend
c.       I am seeing my close friend

1.      Please translate to Indonesia
a.       I love you, Mom
b.      I do love my best English Teacher
c.       Do you know our teacher handsome and rice man?
2.      Please translate to English
a.       Saudara perempuan saya memiliki dua anak
b.      Teman kita rajin belajar bahasa Inggris
c.       Saya sangat mencintai orang tua saya dan setiap hari mendoakanya.
d.      Aku adalah kamu
e.       Kamu dan saya
3.      a. A: she say to me, “I miss you”
b. A: Bambang say to Halimah, “I visit you”
4.      a. P: You said to him that you eaten Cassava
b. P: He said to me that I attended his party
5.      where are you from?

------------You Can Open Your Dictionary----------

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