Nama        : ..............................
Pelajaran       : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas        : XII MA IPS
Hari/Tanggal    : ....................

For question number 1-4

    This system is a device that prevents the driver of a car from using a call phone while the car is moving. If the car is stopped for any reason (red light, parking, etc.) the phone will work. If in motion, it won’t work. This works by installing a sensor to detect wheel motion and a cell phone jammer that is activated by the sensor. If a passenger wants to use a cell phone, there will be a button next to them they can hold down to disable the jammer. As soon as they let the button go though, the jammer reactivates. This prevents the driver from setting it to off to defeat it because one hand would have to be on the wheel and the other on the button. You can’t hold the phone. The system also communicates to the phone via Bluetooth or another phone compatible interface. If the driver adds a headset to the phone, or one of those “phone to radio speakers” things, the system turns off to allows calls automatically in case of accident.
1.    What is the goal of the text above?
    a.    To amaze the readers though the device
    b.    To retell that many drivers use mobile when they drive car.
    c.    To present a device which prevents people from using a cell phone by driver while car is     moving.
    d.    To explain why the device used to prevent people from using a cell phone by the driver while car is moving.
    e.    To describe the device in detail.
2.    When will a cell phone work?
    a.    When the car is moving
    b.    When the car stops because of red light
    c.    When the car is not parked
    d.    When the driver drives the car.
    e.    When the Bluetooth is error.
3.    What activities the detection of wheel motion and cell phone?
    a.    The Hand phone        c. the Bluetooth            e. the driver
    b.    The chare        d. the sensor
4.    “………… the system turn off to allow its use”
    The italic word refers to…..
    a.    The system            c. the headset            e. the phone
    b.    The radio            d. the car

5.    What is the synonym of the word “automatically”?....
    a.    Suddenly            c. manually            e. regularly
    b.    Mechanically        d. perfectly
6.    As a student, Wahyu ……. Come to her school on time….
    a.    Shouldn’t have        c. must have            e. may have
    b.    Should have        d. could have
7.    I have _______ speak English well
    a.    Can                c. have to            e. be able to
    b.    To                d. may
8.    They can ___________ holy Qur’an
    a.    Reading            c. read                e. reader
    b.    Reads             d. all mistake
9.    Semprul bisa mengunakan computer. Translate to english
    a.    Semprul can eat computer         c. semprul is like computer    e. semprul bad
    b.    Semprul can use computer        d. semprul can using computer
10.    I will visit her if ………….…….
    a.    She at home        c. she is at home         e. she are at home
    b.    She has at home        d. she will at home
11.    If I have some money, ……………………………….
    a.    I will buy dictionary        c. I will bough dictionary    e. I will buys dictionary
    b.    I will buying dictionary        d. I will buys dictionary
12.    If I have much money, I ____ go to Laili’s market.
    a.    Will                c. would            e. wiil
    b.    Are                    c. is
13.    If she ____ not got fever, I would go to my paradises
    a.    Will                c. if                e. does
    b.    Did                    d. have
14.    I would have new computer if you ______ me
    a.    Borrow                c. borrowed            e. borrowes
    b.    Bough                d. borrowing
15.    She takes a bag, …………..
    a.    A bag is taken by her        c. A bag is taken by he        e. A bag is taken by me
    b.    A bag is taken by you        d. A bag is taken by she


Please translite to English
    1.    Jika saya memakan sebuah apel yang manis dan bagus maka kamu akan memintaknya
    2.    Apakah kamu tidak pernah menghina aku?
    3.    Why do you come here tonight?
    4.    Saya membeli makanan ini jika kamu memberi saya uang 20rb rupiah.
    5.    Please write modal auxiliaries, as you know!

                    GOOD LUCK MY BELOVED STUDANT!
                    Never give up being the champions

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