Thesis Proposal English State




State Islamic College of Ponorogo
in partial fulfillment of the requerement
for the deggree of sarjana in English Laguage Educatio

Nim. 210910066


I.         Research Title
The Using of Media Projector For Teaching Speaking English to The Seven Class In SMP 2 Balong Ponorogo In Academic Year 2012/2013
II.      Background of Study
Laguage has an importance role in human live because laguage is a means of human comunucation. With laguage, everybody can explore their adeans, thought, feelings or can explore information to the other. Laguage is complex, specialized skill which develops in the child spontaneousely, without effort or formal intrucions, is deployed whitout awareness of its underlying logic, is qualitatively the same in every individual, and is distinct from more general abilities to prosess inforemation and behave intelligently. In the world, there are many kind of laguage. One of them is english laguage.
English is international laguage that give important role in all fields of live. English uses in every where, for anything, like jobs, education, politic, economic, sosial, and other. The development of tecnology also put English as medium to spread innovations.
English is one of subject that is give fore everyday and English can help students face in confidently. The student should be undertand and try study to be master English. To comfrot this, student lear english in formal and informal education.
Develop English ability is important. The one of ways to developed is whit teaching and learning process. Teaching and learning prpcess that is oreanted for achieving certain students’ competence should pay attention to the student need. Teaching and learning process using to the help someone undrestand English well and have ability to use English. The aspect must be understand and developed in english skill like as reading, speaking, reading, writing, and listening.
III.   Research Focus
To avoid irragularities in the research, this study only focused on the using of media projector for teaching speaking english to the seven class in SMP 2 Balong Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013
IV.   Statement of the Problems
Regarding to the background to the study, the problem statements are formulated into:
1.    How is the application of media projector for teaching speaking english to the seven class in SMP 2 Balong Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013?
2.    What are the obstacles the using of media projector for teaching speaking english to the seven class in SMP 2 Balong Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013?
3.    What are the ways of solving the obstacles of the implementation of media projector for teaching speaking english to the seven class in SMP 2 Balong Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013?
V.           Objective of the study
          The research conduets this research to the using of media proyector for teaching speaking english to the seven class in SMP 2 Balong Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013, with the main purposes of:
1.        To the application of media projector for teaching speaking english to the seven class in SMP 2 Balong Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013
2.        To find the obstacles using of media projector for teaching speaking english to the seven class in SMP 2 Balong Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013
3.        To find the ways of solving obstacles of the implementation of media projector for teaching speaking english to the seven class in SMP 2 Balong Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013
VI.        Significance of the study
This study focuses on the application of teaching speking by using of media proyector and the result is expected to have its benefits pointed to:
1.    Teacher
The result of study is expected to vary the way teachers teach speaking english, particularly the English teacher of SMP 2 Balong Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013
2.    Students
The result of study is expected to make students more excited in apprecianting classroom, particularly the tenth grade studenys of SMP 2 Balong Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013
3.    Readers
This study is expected to give a contribution to readers, particularly the study of English department of STAIN Ponorogo, in enriching reference concerned with the implementation of role play technique in teaching speaking.
VII.     Theoretical Background
Researcher has some teories that are releven studied and used as the main ingredient in connection with theme of the discussion.
A.      Teaching
Teaching is one of educative activities. In educational syatem, teaching plays an important role in which an interactional between a teacher and students occurs. There is an assumption that teaching is a prosess of tranforming knowledge to students. In the teaching prosess, a teacher stands in front of the classroom to present a certain subject metter and student are required to sit and listen it.
Teaching is proses of arrangig, organizing environments that exist around the students, to foses and encourage the students learning process. Teaching is also defined as the process of providing guidance and assistence to students in the lerning process.[1] Thus, teaching is activity of helping students to lerning the subject matter and guiding them to understand new knowledge.
B.       Teaching Speaking
1.    Definition of speaking
Speking is an interactive proses of contruting meaning that involves producion, receiving and prosessing.[2] Teaching speaking is an excllent, teacher, friendly imtruduction to the main tecnique for dealing speking tasks, covering fluency practice, topic vs task-vocused speking activities.
Nunan give offer a viwpoint “teaching speaking are a. Produc the english speech sound patterns, b. Use words and sentence stress, intonation patterns and the second laguage, c. Use the laguage quickly and confidently with few unnutural pouse which is called fluency. hayriye kayi, teaching speaking: activies to promote speaking in a secound laguage teaching, the internet the internet TESL journal, vol xii, no 11 november 2006.[3]
According to penny Ur’s (Hughes), “Teaching speaking is an excellent, teacher, friendly introduction to the main technique for dealing speaking tasks, converting fluency practice, topic Vs task-focused speaking activities, discussion activities, other interaction role play and oral testing.”[4]
Thus, nunan recommended. “What is meant by” teaching speaking” is to teach ESL learners to:
1.    Produce the English speech sounds and sound patterns.
2.    Use word and sentence stress, intonations patterns and the rhythm of the second language.
3.    Select appropriate words and sentences according to the proper social setting, audience, situation and subject matter.
4.     Organize their thoughts in a meaningful and logical sequence.
5.    Use language as a means of expressing values and judgments.
6.    Use language quickly and confidently with few unnatural pauses, which are called as fluency.[5]
In the teaching speaking, there are three basic reasons why the students need to give student speaking task to improve their comment.[6]
a.         Rehearsal: getting student to have free discussions outside the class room
b.        Feedback: speaking task where students are trying to use all and any language they know provide feedback for both teacher and students. Speaking activities can give them enormous confident and satisfaction, and with sensitive teacher guidance can and courage them into further study.
c.         Engagement: good speaking activities can and should be highly motivating if all students are participating fully and the teacher has setup the activity properly and can give sympathetic and useful feedback, so they will get tremendous satisfaction from it.
d.        Rehearsal : getting student to have a free discussions outside the classroom
To speak effectively the speaker should understand what he is goig to express. The speaker sould be eble to evaluate communication effect to the audience and know all speaking situation fprmally or individually. The gol of teaching speking skill for the student is:
2.    Communication
Learners will acquire comunication skills in the target laguage, in oder to widen their networks of interpesonal relations, have direct acces to iformation in the target laguage, and use their laguage skill for study, vocational and leisure based purposes.
3.    Motivation
Nunan wrote, success in meansured in term of the ability to carry out a conversation in the (tqrget) laguage. Therefore, if students do not learn how to speak or do not get any opportunity to speak in the language classroom they may soon get de-motivated and lose interest in learning. On the other hand, if the right activities are taught in the right way, speking in class can be a lot of fun, raising in general learner motivation and making English language classroom a fun and dynamic place.
In the other hand, teaching speaking are :
a.    Produce the English speech sound and sound patterns
b.    Use words and sentence stress, intonation patterns and the rhythm of the second language
c.    Select appropriate words and sentences according to the proper social setting, audience, situation, and subject matter
d.   Organize their thoughts in a meaningful and logical sequence
e.    Use laguage as a means of expressing values and judgments.
f.     Use the laguage quickly and confidently with few unnatural pauses.
Teaching speking is a very important part of second language learning. The ability to communicate in second laguage clerly and efficiently contrybutes to the success of the lerniner in school and later in every phase of life.
4.    Kinds of speaking
There are kinds of speaking. They are public speaking and conference speaking.
a.    Public speaking involves
1.    To speak in formative speaking
2.    Fellowship speaking
3.    Persuasive speaking
4.    Deliberate speking
b.    Conferen speaking involves:
1.    Group discussion include inforemal (study groups, policy making group, comic) and a formal (conference, planel discussion, symposium)
2.    Parliament procedure
3.    Debate.[7]
4.    The Componant of Speaking
The components of speaking are as follows; a. Pronuncition, b. Vocabulary, comprehensition d. Grammar e. Fluency
C.      Aspect of speaking
Every opportunity for speaking in the classroom should be taken. It is trying to communicate that students realize their need for language and by speaking that they increase their fluency and confidence. There are some aspects of speaking. Those are[8]
1.    Accuracy
Accuracy involves the correct use of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. In controlled and guided activities the focus is usually on accuracy and the teacher makes it clear from feedback that accuracy is important. Ongoing correction is often appropriate during accuracy activities. In freer activities the teacher is hoping for the correct use of language but it also keeps encouraging the students’ attempts to use the language they have in order to communicate.
2.    Fluency
Fluency can be thought of as the ability to keep going when speaking spontaneously. When student were speaking fluency, students should be able to get the message across with whatever resources and abilities they’ve got, regardless of grammatical and order mistakes
Some of these aspect are more difficult to focus on the other.
Students obviously transfer many of the speaking skill they have in their own language when they are speaking English. However, don’t forget that some conventions of conversation are not universal and it can be very useful to focus on particular aspect in class.
D.      Assessing speaking
A major concern for teachers how we can assess students speaking abilities in the new language. In some regards, testing speaking is not as straight forward as lasting grammar or vocabulary. Another issue has to do with whether your approach to testing speaking is direct, indirect, or semi direct.[9]
a.    Direct test
A direct test of speaking involves a procedure in which the learners actually speak the target language. Interacting with the test administrator or with other students an generation novel utterances. So, for instance, an oral proficiency interview, a conversation, or unscripted role play can be considered direct tests of speaking
b.    Indirect test
Indirect test of speaking is one which the test-taker do not speak. For example, the student may be given a conversation cloze test. A cloze test is one where the original text is the transcript of an actual conversation. The learners’ job is to fill in each blank with a word that would be appropriate in the context of that conversation.
c.    Semi direct test
This term has been applied in contexts where student actually speak (they produce oral language), but they don’t interact in a conversation, interview, or role play. In order words, the task tasks delivered voice, and also respond by talking to recording device.
d.   Objective scoring
Objective scoring does not involve any judgment during the scoring process (through a great deal of judgment may be involved in determining the correct answers to compile the key). Truly objective scoring can be done by an untrained person using a scoring key. In many cases, objective scoring can be done by a computer.
e.    Holistic Rating
In holistic ratings, a speech sample (such as an oral interview, a recorded conversation, or a passage that a learner read alone) is given one overall evaluation, which may be a rating (a “six” on a ten-point scale) or a designation (pass vs not pass, or the “advanced” designation in a system that consist of novice, intermediate, advanced, or superior categories).
f.     Analytic Rating
Analytic ratings involve rating systems in which the abilities underlying the speaking skill have been analyzed (hence the name, analytic) and the test-takers are evaluated on how well they perform the various sub-skills.
E.       Technique in Teaching Speaking 
a.    Definition of Technique
Technique is the method of procedure (with reference to practical or formal details), or way of using basic skills, in rendering an artistic work o carrying out a scientific or mechanical operation.[10]
A technique is implementation that which actually takes place in classroom. It is a particular trick, stratagem, or contrivance used to accomplish an immediate objective. Techniques must be consistent with a method, and therefore in harmony with an approach as well.[11]
b.    Kinds of Technique
There are lot of speaking activities/technique, some of them that can support teaching speaking activities, those are:[12]
1.        Information gap
Information gap is speaking activities where two speakers have different information. In this activity one student has a picture which he or she must not show his or her partner. All the partners has to draw the picture without looking at original, so the one with the picture will give instructions and descriptions, and the artist will ask question.[13]
2.        Surveys
One of provoking conversation and opinion exchange is to get students to conduct questionnaires and survey. If the students plan these questionnaires themselves, the activity becomes even more useful. That are varies structure of classroom periods, allows people a bit of physical movement, and provides a welcome variety of interaction.
3.        Discussion
Discussion can provoke spontaneous fluent language use. Teacher gives question about the issue of the film, politic, and the other. Then, the class discuss about the topic.
4.        Brainstorming
On a given topic, students can produce ideas in a limited time. Depending on the context, either individual or group brainstorming is effective and learner generates ideas quickly and freely. The good characteristic of brainstorming is that the students are not criticized for their ideas so students will be opened to share new ideas.
5.        Story Telling
Student can briefly summarize a tale of the story they heard from somebody beforehand, or they may create their own stories to tell their classmates. Story telling fosters creative thinking. It also helps student express ideas in the format of beginning, development and ending, including then character and setting a story has to have. Students also can tell riddles or jokes. For instance at the very beginning of each class session, the teacher address students’ speaking ability, but also get the attention of the class.
6.        Interviews
Student can conduct interviews on selected topics with various people. It good idea that the teacher provides a rubric to students so that they know what type of question they can ask or what path to follow, but students should prepare their own interview question. Conducting interviews with people gives students a chance to practice their speaking ability not only in class but also outside and helps them becoming socialized. After interview, each student can present his or her study to the class. Moreover, student can interview each other and “introduce” his or her partner to the class.
7.        Story Completion
This is very enjoyable, whole-class, free-speaking activities for which student sit in a circle. For this activity, a teacher starts to tell a story, but after view sentences ne or she stops the narrating. Then, each student is starts to narrate from the point where the previous one stopped. Each student is supposed to add new character, events, description and so on.
8.        Reporting
Before coming to the class, student is asked to read newspaper or magazine and in class they report to they find as the most interesting news. Students also can to talk about whether they have experienced anything worth telling their friend in their daily lives from the class.
9.        Picture narrating
This activity is based on several sequential pictures. Students are as to tell the story taking place in the sequential pictures by paying attention to the criteria provided by the teacher as a rubric. Rubies can include the vocabulary, or structures they need to use while narrating.
10.    Picture describing
Another way to make use of picture in speaking activity is to give students just one picture and having them describe what it is in the picture. For this activity students can form group and each group is given different picture. Students discuss the picture with their group, and then the spoken person for each group describes the picture to the whole class. This activity fosters the creativity and imagination of the learners as well as their public speaking skills.
11.    Find the Difference
For this activity student can work in pairs and each couple is given two different pictures, for example, picture of boy playing football and another picture of girl playing tennis. Student in pairs discuss the similarities and/or differences in the pictures.
F.       Media.
1.    The definition of media
There is no statement in PP no.19, 2005, articles 42, chapter VII, verses 1, that every education media unit must have medium including untensils, equipment, edication media, books, and other equipments that support the continuosly and disiciplinary learning.[14]
The media is the intermediary or introductory messages from the sender of the message to the recipien t of the massage.[15] According to, Association of Education and Tecnologi defines the media is all from and channels that people use to convey messages or informatio.[16]
Romiszowski reecommends, “the media is any extention of men which allows him to affect other people who are not in face to face with him. Thus, communication media include latters, televition, film, radio, printed metter, and telephone.[17]
2.    The Selections Media Criteria of Media
In choosing a medium for teaching English purposes should consider the following criteria.[18]
a)        Appropriate with the goals of teaching.
b)        Support to ward contet of teaching materials.
c)        Ease to get media.
d)       Teacher’s skills in the use it.
e)        A vailable time to use it.
f)         Appropriate with their level of student thinking
Based on the statements above, by selection criteria of media above, teachers can more easily use which media is appropria to help facilitate his duties as a teacher.
3.    The kinds of media
The media has various kinds of foms and sizes. Some teacher may be able to buy them, more likely, they will need to make them. Making them will give the teachers’ opportunity to use local available materials and provide exactly the kinds of media, some statements can be presented in the following it:
Omar Hamalik (in Asnawir 2002:29)
a)        Original media and imitation.
b)        Media from boards.
c)        Media charts and grahics
d)       Media projections.
e)        Media audio
f)         The print media or printed materials.
4.     Teaching media
Teaching media to increase students’ lerning prosess in teching whice in trun is expected to increase study result achieved. Several reasons why teaching media to increase students’ lerning prosess, according to sudjana and Rivai (2001), are identified as follows.[19]
1.        Regard to the advantages of the medium of intruction in student learning prosess includes.
a)        Teaching more attention students in oder to grow motivation to learn.
b)        Teaching materials will more clerly the meaning in oder to better understand by the students, and enables students to master the teaching objectives better.
c)        Teaching method will be more varied, not only verbal communication though the narative of words by the teacher, so student are not bored and teachers do not exhaustion, especially if the teacher teaches for each hour lesson.
d)       Students more activities to learn, because not only listen to discriptions of teachers, but also other activities such as observing, perfoming, demontrating, and others.
2.        Use media to increase the process of teaching and lerning outcomes are releted to students’ level of thinking.
The other view from Anderson, teachers need to play attention in using the using of media proyector for teaching speaking englishthe medium of intruction to increase teaching quality. First, teacher need to have undertanding teaching media, among others, the types and benefits of teaching media, criteria fore slecting and using teching media, using media as a teching tool and follow-up the use of media in teaching and learning of students. Second, skilled teacher make teaching media fore teaching purposes. Third, the teacher must know the knowledge and skills in evaluating the effectiveness using media in the teaching process.[20]
In the process, hamalik (1986) states “bahwa penggunaan media pembelajran akan sangat menbantu keefektifan proses pembelajaran dan penyampaian pesan dan isi pesan pada saat itu. Selain itu media pembelajaran juga dapat meningkatkan pemahaman, menyajikan data dengan menarik dan terpercaya serta mendapatkan informasi”.[21]
Moreover, it is also in accordance with Asnawir idea. Who argues “dengan menggunakan media seolah-olah pengajaran yang diberikan dapat mempunyai nilai lebih dibandingkan hanya berceramah melulu”.[22]
In conclution, use teaching media is very dependent on the purpose of teaching, teaching material; ease in get the needed media and the ability of teachers to use in use the teaching prosess.
G.      The Using Media Projector
Learning and teaching a foreign language needs a lot of patience, energy, time, creativity and competence. The success of the teaching and learning of foreign language skills including English is determined by a number of factors both linguistic and non linguistic such as the students, the teacher, the methods, material and media or aids used.
English teaching media are very important to help students acquire new concepts of, the skills and language competences. They are many kinds of media which can be used by the teachers in the teaching learning process, but the teacher should be selective when choosing. This paper discusses about Kinds of Instructional Media For Teaching English. This case followed their picture, definition and how to use in English teaching.
Projectors are another multimedia tool that is commonly used by teachers. Projectors are used to project images from a computer onto a larger screen so that students can easily see what is being shown. Projectors make it possible for teachers to show a large classroom or auditorium multimedia content such as videos, or Powerpoint presentations. Projectors are now commonplace in classrooms as a tool for showing multimedia.
1.    Microsoft Powerpoint
When we using rojector for teaching english, we also can use microsoft powerpoin. Microsoft Powerpoint is one of the most popular programs used for creating multimedia presentations. Powerpoint is an incredible tool because it allows teachers to combine text, audio and video into one presentation. With the use of computers and projectors, the presentation can be displayed to a large audience. Powerpoint and other similar presentation programs have changed the way teachers provide information; Powerpoint presentations are a more effective way of conveying information because they can be prepared beforehand, unlike hand written notes on a blackboard. These presentations can be distributed to students on the Internet for studying purposes.
2.    Film Strips
It is an improvement upon slide projector (magic lantern). The device may be used as a slide projector or as a film strip projector. Instead of using different slide for different topics or more slides for one topic, one strip or piece of still film is prepared. Slides produced on films are called film strips. A film strip consists of a strip of cellulose acetate film 16mm or 35mm wide and length 2 to 5 feet. It usually consists of 40 to 100 separate pictures related to a particular subject, topic or theme. These pictures may be connected with series of drawings, photographs, diagrams or combination of these. Such strip or a piece of still film serves the same purpose as served by a number of slides.
 There is not much difference between a slide projector and a film strip projector. In a slide projector we use separate slide while in a film strip, a strip of film (having ling strip of many slides) is exhibited. The film strip projector is a recent development and it is growing to be a more popular means of pictorial representation.
3.    Slides
Among the various types of materials available still projection, slides and film strips are the foremost visual aids. They are of great value in teaching. Slide Projector or Diascope popularly known as Magic Lantern, is an optical aid to the process of teaching. It is used for projecting pictures from a transparent slide on a wall or screen. As it is used to project slides, i.e., why it is called a slide projector. It helps in showing the magnified image of the slide. When the figure or illustration is very small and it is required that the whole class should see it clearly, a transparent slid of this small figure is prepared.
The slide is placed inverted into the slide carrier part of the magic lantern (slide projector). The slide projector projects its erect image on the well or screen by enlarging its dimension and making the vision more sharp and clear. If he slide or film strip is colored then it would be more attractive. The slide projector is useful for small as well as large groups.[23]
VIII.       Research Methodology
One of most important things in this research is method of study. The method is the way, which used to reach the aim of the result:
A.  Research Design
This research applies a qualitative approach. For qualitative researcher the pupros of phenomena can understood carefully if conducted though interaction with the subject by deep interview. Besides that, it can do though observation now to the location of phenomena.[24] In education, qualitative research is frequently called naturalistic because the research in naturally occur. Moreover, people engaging in natural behavior gather the data: talking, visiting, looking, eating, and so on.[25]
Thus, in the qualitative research, natural setting takes place. The statement offers and idea that data is collected naturally by observing a phenomenon while it is happening and conducting a verbal communication with respondents.
B.  Researcher Role
The characteristic of qualitative research is not being able to separate from participant observation. Nevertheless, the role of researcher determines the entire of scenario. Therefore, in this research, the researcher is a key instruments support the data.
C.  Research Location
These study taken places in SMP 2 Balong Ponorogo. Some reasons for selecting the place are:
1.    English is thought to the students of SMP 2 Balong Ponorogo
2.    The place of the research is reachable
3.    Media projector method is frequently applied in teaching speaking English to the tenth grade students of SMP 2 Balong in academic year 2012/2013
D.  Data source
Data source is subject or somebody who can give data as material or analysis for researc. Data is obtained from population that determined by sample. Data source in the research is the subject where have come from obtainable information.[26] It means that data source in a research is subject where the data can obtained.
E.  Technique of Data Collection
Collecting data in this research, the researcher use observation and interview.
1.    Observation
Observation is the directly research that involves focusing the attention to the specific object by using all senses. Observation has a goal of obtaining information by seeing and hearing phenomenon while it is happening. Moreover, observation involves watching and listening to the events, then recording what occurred. Thus, the researcher must conduct a face to face interaction with subject of the research. This method is very useful to clarify, to check, and to classify the phenomenon. In this research, this method is used to find the application of media projector in teaching speaking and students’ ability in speaking.
2.    Interview
Interview is the dialogue conducted by interviewer to get the information from the people who are interview.[27] Interview divided into three kinds; there are unstructured interview, structure interview, and semi structure interview. Thus, interview method has goal of geeing information done though verbal communication used as source of data. This method was applied to obtain the numbered heads together technique. Researcher to hold an interview with;
a.    Mrs. Umi English teacher in first grade. It aims to get the data about the students and the effort of English teacher to improve the students’ skill, especially in speaking ability.
b.    Students’ of firs grade to get data their skill in speaking before and after applied the using media projector for teaching English speaking.
Collecting data use interview and observation because considering that concrete phenomena are different with abstract phenomena can understand as like the result of fixed condition.[28] By using this technique, the researcher cans exploration the different interpretations, and variety opinion about some fact.
F.   Data Analysis
Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging the interview transcripts, field note and other materials that accumulated to increase understanding of them and to enable you to present what you have discovered to others.[29] On the other head, data analysis is the last process of the research before writing the report of the research. It is used to answer the hypothesis that will be done.[30]
Qualitative data analysis is a process of searching and arranging the data taken from the observation, interview, and documentation. Quantitative data analysis consists of three current flows of activity: data reduction, data display, and data verification. Each of the stage is presented in the following:
1.    Data reduction
Data reduction is stage of summarizing, classifying, and focusing on essential things. In this stage research needs to separate the accurate data from the inaccurate ones. Though the data reduction, the researcher my focus on the data the using of media projector for teaching English speaking, will be analyzed.
2.    Data display
Data display is stage of organizing the data into pattern of relationship. The data display can make the collected data easier to understand. In this stage, the research presents the using of media projector for teaching English.
3.    Conclusion Drawing/verification
In this stage, the research problem, make conclusion. The conclusion can be in form of thick description. The conclusion is the answer of the using of media projector for teaching English, Which have formulated.
Data analysis steps shown in the picture as below:
Data display
Data collectio
Data reduction

G. Checking the Data Validity
Validity of data is important concept that renewable from validity concept and reliability concept.[31] To get data valid and reliable, the researcher must be deep accompanying in the location. Because of in qualitative research, the researcher ia as instrument. It means the degree of data validity can be checking with observation.
H.  Research Procedure
In this research, there are four research procedures as below:
1.    Planning
This procedure includes arranging the research plan, choosing the research location, organization permission, choosing the informants, and preparing the research equipment.
2.    Application
This procedural includes:
a.    Understanding the research preparation
b.    Entering the field
c.    Interact with the subject while collecting data
d.   Data Analysis
e.    It includes analyzing data along after collecting data.
f.     Writing the research report.
IX.             Organization of the Thesis
Thesis consists of live chapters as follow:
Chapter 1: introduction discuss about: background of the study research focus, statement of problem, objectives of study, significance of the study, organization of thesis.
Chapter 2: review of literatures. This chapter gives the explanation about the theory of teaching, theory of speaking and teaching speaking, theory media projector for teaching.
Chapter 3: research findings. This chapter contains the common data of research location involving the history SMP 2 Balong Ponorogo, where it takes places, organization structure, the condition of the teachers and students, vision and mission, data description involving about the reason of using of media projector for teaching English speaking.
Chapter 4: discussion. This chapter contains of data analysis the using media projector for teaching speaking english to the seven class in SMP 2 Balong Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013
Chapter 5: this chapter consists of the conclusion of the research and about the research recommendation.
X.      Table of Content
A.   Background of the study
B.   Reseach focus
C.   Statement of the problems
D.   Objective of the study
E.    Significance of the study
F.    Research methodology
1.    Research design
2.    Researcher role
3.    Research location
4.    Data source
5.    Technique of data collection
6.    Data analysis
7.    Cheeking of the data validity
8.    Research procedure
G.   Organization of thesis
H.   Research Procedure
1.     Teaching
2.     Teaching Speaking
3.     Aspect of speaking
4.     Technique in Teaching Speaking 
5.     Cooperative Learning
6.     Media.
7.     Teaching Media
8.     The Using Media Projector
CHAPTER III Data on the using of media projector for teaching speaking english to the seven class in SMP 2 Balong Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013
A.      Research location
1.    History of school establishments
2.    Geographical of SMP 2 Balong Ponorogo
3.    School Profile
4.    Vision and Mission
5.    Condition of teacher, Administrator, Students, and Infrastructures
B.       Data Description
CHAPTER IV analisis on the using of media projector for teaching speaking english to the seven class in SMP 2 Balong Ponorogo in academic year 2012/2013
A.   Conclusio
B.   Recommendation

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Harmer. How to teach English. England: Person Education Limited. 2001.
Hayriye Kayi, Teaching Speaking: Activites to Promote Speaking in A second Language, the Internet TESL Journal, Vol. XII, 31 March 2010.
Henry guntur, berbicara sebagai keterampilan berbahasa. Angkas. Bandung, 1984.
Hisam, et al. Strategi belajar aktif di perguruan tinggi. Yogyakarta: CTSD. 2002.
Israeli Ministry of Education. A curriculum for the teaching of mass media in secondary schools (Hebrew). Jerusalem, Israel: Author. 1993.
Jack C. Richard, Approaces and Method in Language Teaching Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1986.
James Dean Brown.  The Element of Language Curriculum. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1995.
Jeremy Harmer, How to teach English Introduction To the practice of language teaching England: Addison Wesley Longman 2001.
Julian Edge, Essential of English Language Teaching, England: Longman Group UK Limited, 2001.
Kasihani K. SUYANTO, English for young Lerner (jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara, 2007.
Kozma, R. Learning with media. Review of Educational Research, 1991.
Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata, Metodolgi Penelitian Pendidikan, Bandung: Rosdakarya, 2007.
Punawan Junaidi, Pengantar Analysis Data, Jakata, Rineka Cipta, 1995.
Rebecca Hughes, Teaching and Researching Speakng, London: Person Education, 2002.
Robert C Bogdan, Qualitative Research for education; an introduction to theory and method, London: Allyn and Bacon, 1982.
Roger gower cs, teaching practical handbook  macmillan: macmillan education,1995.
Ronald H. Anderson, Pemilihan dan Pengembangan Media untuk Pembelajaran, Jakarta: PT Raja Grafinda Persada, 1994.
Sudjana ans Rivai, Media Pengajaran, Pengunaan dan Pembuatanya,
Suharsini Arikunto, Proedur Penelitian, Suatu Pendekatan Practic, Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta, 1992.
Syamsudin and Vismaia S. Damaitanti, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa, Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2006. 05/11/2012.23:06

Ponorogo, November...., 2012


Nama Mahasiswa

Drs. Harjali, M.Pd
NIP.19670413 2000031002
NIM. 210910066

Nama sekolah              :SMP 2 Balong Ponorogo
Mata Pelajaran             :Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester            :VII A (Tuju) / 2
Aspek/Skill                  :Mendengarkan
Alokasi Waktu             :2 x 40 menit
A.      Standar Kompetensi
1.       Memahami   makna  dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
B.      Kompetensi Dasar
1.       Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
C.      Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
1.       Kognitif: Proses
a.       Menggarisbawahi  kosakata dan ungkapan yang telah diperdengarkan
b.      Review berbagai jenis teks fungsional pendek yang sering dijumpai
c.       Mendengarkan teks fungsional pendek terkait tema/topik tertentu
d.      Menjawab berbagai pertanyaan terkait informasi dalam teks fungsional yang didengar
e.      Menentukan tujuan komunikatif dari teks yang didengar
2.       Kognitif: Produk
a.       Menjelaskan isi percakapan berdasarkan materi yang telah diperdengarkan
b.      Mengetahui berbagai jenis teks fungsional pendek terkait tema/topik tertentu
c.       Memberikan contoh jenis-jenis teks fungsional
3.       Psikomotor :
a.       Mendengarkan dengan seksama materi yang akan diperdengarkan/dibacakan oleh guru
4.       Afektif :
a.       Melakukan komunikasi: practice/praktek,bertanya,dan berpendapat.
b.      Melakukan kerjasama.
D.      Tujuan Pembelajaran
1.       Pengetahuan: Proses
a.       Dengan diperdengarkan bacaan tentang suatu percakapan,siswa dapat menggarisbawahi konsep-konsep penting tentang percakapan sesuai dengan aturan-aturan yang ditetapkan.
b.      Dengan diperdengarkan berbagai macam percakapan,siswa dapat membedakannya.
c.       Dengan diberikan masalah,siswa dapat menyelesaikannya sesuai dengan peraturan yang ditetapkan.
d.      Dengan diperdengarkan sebuah percakapan,siswa dapat membuat kesimpulan isi percakapan.
e.      Dengan diberikan lembar kerja,siswa dapat melengkapi isian percakapan berdasarkan materi yang diperdengarkan/dibacakan
2.       Pengetahuan: Produk
a.       Dengan tanpa membuka (C),siswa (A) dapat menjelaskan isi percakapan sederhana (B) sesuai dengan criteria/kunci yang ditetapkan (D).
b.      Dengan diperdengarkan berbagai macam percakapan,siswa dapat menyebutkan 3 jenis percakapan
c.       Dengan tanpa membuka buku,siswa dapat menyebutkan 2 contoh untuk setiap jenis percakapan.
3.       Psikomotor
a.       Dengan diperdengarkan berbagai macam percakapan,siswa dapat mengetahui dan membedakan 3 jenis teks fungsional.
4.       Afektif
a.       Dengan terlibat aktif dalam pembelajaran,siswa dapat melakukan komunikasi dengan benar dan santun yang meliputi praktek, bertanya, dan berpendapat.
b.      Dengan terlibat secara aktif dalam pembelajaran,siswa dapat melakukan kerjasama dengan baik dalam kelompok.
E.       Materi Pembelajaran:
1.       Percakapan (Lihat LKS kelas VIII UNIT 8 halaman 127)
a.     Listen the following text carefully!
b.     Find the meaning of the following words with the dictionary!
F.       Metode Pembelajaran
1.       Model    : STAD (Student Teams Achievement Divisions)
2.       Metode  : Diskusi,practice/praktek,Pemberian tugas.
G.     Kegiatan Pembelajaran
1.       Kegiatan
(waktu)            Fase
Kegiatan Guru        Terlaksana/ Tidak
(10 Menit)
-          Menyampaikan Tujuan Dan Memotivasi siswa
-          Memotivasi siswa: Memperdengarkan bacaan seperti pada LKS.
Guru bertanya pada siswa :
Apakah jenis percakapan?
(60 Menit)
-         Menyajikan Informasi    Memberikan informasi :
a.       Pengertian Percakapan sederhana berdasarkan LKS
b.      Meminta siswa mendengarkan percakapan berdasarkan LKS
c.       Siswa halaman 35-36 dan menggaris bawahi kata-kata kunci/ penting.
-          Siswa dalam kelompok belajar
-          Membentuk 5 kelompok belajar: anggota kelompok beragam( dari segi kemampuan,dan ras) dan membagikan. LKS
-          Membimbing Kelompok    Membimbing kelompok:
-          Mengawasi saat kelompok mengerjakan LKS
-          Membimbing Praktek:(Membimbing kelompok terpilih) untuk mempraktekkan kerja kelompoknya.
-          Sambil membimbing kerja kelompoknya dan presentasi siswa, Guru menilai sikap siswa dengan panduan rubrik penilaian
-          Membimbing kelompok menjawab masalah sesuai dengan kesimpulan yang telah diperoleh.
-          Meminta siswa Mengerjakan lembar penilaian 1 dan LP kinerja
-          Menentukan kelompok yang memiliki kinerja terbaik
(10 Menit) Penghargaan
Memberikan Penghargaan
-          (Misalnya dalam bentuk pujian) terhadap kelompok yang kinerjanya baik.
-          Merangkum: Membantu siswa merangkum hasil belajar yang diperoleh melalui kegiatan .   
H.      Penilaian Hasil Belajar
1.      Penilaian produk: Lembar Penilaian 1
2.      Penilaian Kinerja:membuat hipotesis,melakukan penyelidikan,membuat kesimpulan,dan peta Konsep.
3.      Penilaian sosial: melakukan komunikasi dan kerjasama.
I.        Sumber Pembelajaran
1.      Buku siswa English in Focus kelas VIII UNIT 3 mendengarkan
2.      Lembar Penilaian 1: Produk dan proses
3.      Lembar Penilaian Kinerja 1: jenis percakapan
4.      Lembar Penilaian Kinerja 2: Menemukan konsep-konsep penting
5.      Lembar Penilaian Kinerja 3: Melakukan Penyelidikan
6.      Lembar pengamatan keterampilan sosial beserta rubric penilaian keterampilan social
7.      Kebutuhan untuk masing-masing kelompok sesuai dengan LKS 3

[1] Kozma, R. (1991). Learning with media. Review of Educational Research, 61, 179-211.
[2] David nunan practical english laguage teaching speaking ( american new york; mcgraw-hill ESL/ELT),2.
[3] James Dean Brown.  The Element of Language Curriculum. (Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1995). 179
[4] Rebecca Hughes, Teaching and Researching Speakng (London: Person Education, 2002), 48.
[5] Hayriye Kayi, Teaching Speaking: Activites to Promote Speaking in A second Language, the Internet TESL Journal, Vol. XII, 31 March 2010.
[6] Jeremy Harmer, How to teach English Introduction To the practice of language teaching (England: Addison Wesley Longman 2001), 870
[7] Dr henry guntur, berbicara sebagai keterampilan berbahasa. Angkas. Bandung, 1984. P 1 23.
[8] Roger gower cs, teaching practical handbook (macmillan: macmillan education,1995), 99-100
[9]  Julian Edge, Essential of English Language Teaching (England: Longman Group UK Limited, 2001), 25.
[11] Jack C. Richard, Approaces and Method in Language Teaching (Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1986), 15
[12] Hayriye Kayi, Teaching Speaking: Activites to Promote Speaking in A second Language, the Internet TESL Journal, Vol. XII, 31 March 2010
[13] Harmer. How to teach English. 88
[14] Hisam, et al. Strategi belajar aktif di perguruan tinggi. (Yogyakarta: CTSD. 2002), 113
[15] Ashar Arsyad, Media Pembelajaran (jakarta:nRaja Grafindo Perada, 2002. 3.
[16] Arif S. Sadiman, et al, Media Pendidikan: pengertian, Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatanya (jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2002), 6.
[17] Kasihani K. SUYANTO, English for young Lerner (jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara, 20070, 100
[18] Nana Sudjana and Ahmad rifai, Media Pembelajaran, Pengunaan dan Pembuatan 4-5
[19] Sudjana ans Rivai, Media Pengajaran, Pengunaan dan Pembuatanya, 2.
[20] Ronald H. Anderson, Pemilihan dan Pengembangan Media untuk Pembelajaran (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafinda Persada, 1994), 17
[21] Azhar Asyad, Media Pembelajaran, 15.
[22] Asnawi dan M Basyrudin, Media Pembelajaran, (Jakarta Selatan: PT Intermas, 2002), 125.
[23] Israeli Ministry of Education. (1993). A curriculum for the teaching of mass media in secondary schools (Hebrew). Jerusalem, Israel: Author.
[24] Syamsudin and Vismaia S. Damaitanti, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa, (bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2006), 94
[25] Robert C Bogdan, Qualitative Research for education; an introduction to theory and method, (London: allyn and Bacon, 1982), 3
[26] Suharsini Arikunto, Proedur Penelitian, Suatu Pendekatan Practic, (Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta, 1992), 102
[27] Suharsini Arikunto, Prosedur penelitian, 126
[28] Burhan Bungin, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, (jakrta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 2006), 121
[29] Robert C. bogdan, Qualitative research for education,153
[30] Punawan Junaidi, pengantar analysis Data,(Jakata, Rineka Cipta, 1995) 2
[31] As Quated by Lexy J. Moleog, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, (Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, 200), 171

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