A.    Research Design
Design of study is one of the phase from the planning and doing the study. Design of study is a frame of planning that consist of how to collect and analyze the data exactly, so the  study can be held effectively. To apply the identifying games,  the teachers should understand the concept of identifying games it’s self.
Identifying games can be applied in the class, based on these steps :
Step 1:Introduction
The teachers should do:
1.    Prepare the syllabus and lesson plan
2.    Prepare the material
3.    Prepare student to be good condition
Step 2 : Organizing
In this step, the teacher should do the activity based on the lesson plan and syllabus. At list, the lesson plan should available with identifying games. These the activities in the class :
1.    Teachers students do the opening activity; like says greeting, check the attendent list and pray together
2.    The teacher and students do the main activity, here the teacher devide the students into some groups and give assignments to the students, any small object of which the names have been learnt can be put, unseen by the pupils, on a try and convered by nespapar or cloth. Pupuils from different teams then come out, feel them and answer the question What is it?. This sounds is very easy but it is not so if the objects are also wrapped. Each pupil has one guess only. The first to guess right scores a point for the team.
3.    The teacher clos the activity ; lead the pray and clossing the meeeting.
Step 3: The application of model
After the model arranged, it is time to apply and refining. In this condition, the teacher should make the notation about the application of the model since the beginnning till the end. If there are mistake or disadvantages, the teacher must overcome its as soon as possible.

B.    Setting
1.    Subject of research
This subject of research is fifth grade of elementery school because the students of fifth grade have taught the english for  many year since at first grade.
2.        Place of Study
First, the  study will be done at SDN II Watubonang, beacuse the place of SDN II Watubonang is very strategies so the reserchers easy to get it. Second, SDN II Watubonang is suitable to  observe because SDN II Watubonang had been applying the identifying gmaes in it’s learning process.
3.    Time of  Study
    The study will be carried out at SDN II Watubonang, Badegan Ponorogo during September up to October 2014.

C.    Data and Data Resourcers
The data will be taken from the sources through the observation, interview, and documentation. The observation will be held to observe the implementation of the integrated learning for speaking class during the determined time. The interview will be focused on the finding of oral data from principal, teachers, and the students. Documentation will be done to get the supporting data for this study, and also to examine the validity of information.

D. Technique of Collecting Data
  The writer uses several instruments to support and complete this study as follows:
1.    Observation
    The writer must observe directly the object of study. The observation can be used to examine the validity of data.
2    Interview
    It is used to get the comprehend information, data, and anything related to the studied field from the sources.
3.    Documentation 
    It is used to get the supporting data or information from the sources in written or printed data

E.    Triangulation Technique
The data will be taken from the sources as follows:
1.    Documentation
2.    Observation
3.    Interview

F.    Technique of  Analyzing Data
1.     Data collecting
    Data will be collected from observation, interview, and documentation.
2.    Data analyzing
a.    Observation
The writer analyze the observation result during the term of observation.
b.    Interview
All of the interview result will be analyze and connected to the other data that the writer gotten.
c.    Documentation
The document will be analyze to support and strengthen the other data.

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